Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What are we reading right now?


I am reading "Harry the poisonous centipede" by Lynne Reid Banks. In this story the main character is Harry. So far I've read that Harry was a very poisionous centipede. He was a baby centipede. His mother,Belinda, was eight inches tall. You will never be able to talk centipedish like Harry. In centipedish, Harry's name would be Hxzltl. Its very hard.


I am reading ''Explorers on the moon'' its a book about Tintin.He goes on the moon with Captian Haddock, Snowy, Proffessor Calculus, engineer Farnk Wollf and the two detectives.Tintin and Captian Haddock were going be flat because there was a meteorite heading towards them but it fell a bit far from them.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Writing an Informative Text

We have read lots of informative texts about Ancient Civilisations. While reading them, we have been identifying the features of informative texts. Here are some examples we found:

Title, pictures with caption, sub heading, paragragh, non-fiction, interesting boxes, facts, easy to understand, set it nicely, staying in the subject, no repetition, simple.